How Much Do Movers Make?

How Much Do Movers Make?

man counting money given to him for moving

Here we’ll look into how much movers make across the country, how much you should tip them, and how knowing this can help you plan your next move.

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Why Should You Care?

A common question amongst the public is how much people make in various professions. Yes, you can argue it’s nobody’s business what someone earns. However, knowing average pay can also serve as extremely useful information for the future. It’s especially useful to be aware of the salaries of professions you’ll likely deal with at some point down the line. Movers fall perfectly into this category. Moving is stressful, so knowing the average wage of movers and how much to tip them beforehand will help you plan the finances of your move. Now that you know why you should care let’s answer the question: How much do movers make?

Let’s examine what movers are being paid in different parts of the country:

National and Regional Averages

If you’re planning on hiring movers for your relocation within the United States be prepared to pay about $16.50 per hour. That’s the national average according to This average is based on data from over 4,000 salaries. Obviously, the United States is a big country, and prices vary depending on where you’re moving to. The Pacific Northwest and Northeast tend to creep up more towards the $20 per hour range whereas states in the Southeast hover around $15 an hour. UniMovers pays movers anywhere from $15-$20 hourly based on experience which is right on par with wages around the country. Plus, you’d be supporting local college students. However, these numbers are just the wages that movers earn hourly. It’s still important to know how much you should tip movers.

What Percentage Should You Tip Movers?

Now we know the average wage of a mover, but how much should you tip them after the job? Before going any further let me emphasize that although it’s not mandatory you should strongly consider tipping your moving team. Moving heavy furniture for hours is exhausting, potentially dangerous work. So, giving your movers some cash while they walk out the door is a great way to show your gratitude. Just like in the food service industry tipping is done by percentages. The more you spend, the more you tip. There’s no set percentage of what you should tip movers, but a good rule is 10% to 25%, depending on the quality of work. Supplying some water and snacks for the crew is also a great gesture. You can learn even more by reading “Should You Tip Your Movers: A Helpful Guide Tips By Sarah Yoerger”.

Ways To Plan Beforehand

You’ll want to estimate the number of movers you’ll need to hire and the amount of time the move will take. Take a minute to read about how UniMovers estimates how many movers you’ll need. Here’s a tip, pay attention to your move-out process. More specifically the time and effort it takes the number of people needed, and the overall difficulty of the move-out. This will give you a good idea about how the move-in will play out and hopefully make things a little less stressful. This will also give you a new level of appreciation for the job of the movers! Preparation is key so it’s always important to poke around at reviews and prices within your area to see what fits your situation best.


Moving can be a mentally, physically, and financially stressful process. However, taking the time to hire the right moving crew can go a long way in alleviating some of these pressures. Be aware of the average hourly wage in your region/state as well as how tipping works. Remember, tipping is a great way to show your appreciation to movers that took time out of their day to make your life that much easier. Now that you know what to expect you’re all set to start the process!

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John is a recent graduate from the University of Colorado where he received a B.A in History and minor in Economics. He currently lives in Spain, but originally hails from New York. In his free time he enjoys running and following his hometown NY sports teams.