How To: Moving Your Fridge In Various Scenarios

How To: Moving Your Fridge In Various Scenarios

Stainless steel refrigerator beside white kitchen cabinet

Because of their convenience and necessity, everyone has a refrigerator. This also means that nearly everyone goes through the frustrating and challenging process of moving their appliance, whether it’s during installation or relocation. But there are many ways to make the moving process less daunting. Here, we will discuss the options you have and how to move a fridge!

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Before You Move

Before moving your fridge, it is very important to make a plan. First, measure the appliance. Note its height, depth, and width to make sure that your fridge will be able to fit through your doorways and into your vehicle.

Then, unplug your fridge and empty it of its contents. Wipe down any interior surfaces and make sure there is no standing water! This will ensure a clean and tidy move.

Lastly, find a way to protect your floors. There are many ways to keep your refrigerator from harming your floors. You could use furniture sliders, which can be found online, or even pieces of cardboard. Before moving your fridge, clear a path and remove any valuables from the refrigerator’s path.

Moving a Fridge Alone

Moving a refrigerator without any help can be an overwhelming task. But, with the right tools, it is incredibly doable! To set yourself up for success, find an appliance dolly (a two-wheeled cart with a platform to position under your appliance) and rope.

Slowly move your fridge from your wall (this can be done using furniture sliders or cardboard). Then, position your fridge onto the appliance dolly. Many dollies come with their own straps to keep the appliance secure. But, depending on the size of your fridge, wrapping rope tightly around your appliance is a good idea, too.

Once you feel like your refrigerator is squarely on the dolly’s platform, slowly tilt the dolly back and wheel your fridge to where it needs to go. Be careful of your property as you walk your fridge to your vehicle!

Moving a Fridge Using a Pickup Truck

Pickup trucks are useful for many things… especially when moving heavy appliances! To move a fridge using a pickup truck, it is good to have an appliance dolly and some assistance from others.

Once you have gotten the fridge out to your pickup truck, untie your refrigerator from your dolly and slowly lift it into the bed. If you have a loading ramp (an elongated ramp to put on the tailgate of your truck), you could also walk your appliance dolly up into the bed of the truck with assistance.

Moving a Fridge Downstairs

white fridge door being closed

When moving a fridge down a staircase, it is important to have an appliance dolly and someone else with you throughout the process. Once you have tied your fridge to the dolly, slowly walk it to the stairs and have another person stand in front of it.

Then, tip the dolly until the fridge is at approximately 45 degrees, and carefully roll your fridge down the stairs, one at a time. Once you are at the bottom of the stairs, carefully move your fridge to its new place.

How To Move a Mini-Fridge

Mini-fridges are incredibly popular and convenient options. But they are also awkward, heavy appliances that can be hard to move. When moving your mini-fridge, it is convenient to have a friend help or an appliance dolly. Though compact, mini-fridges can be heavy. So, it is smart to handle your mini-fridge like you would a full-sized appliance.

You can fit a mini-fridge inside a pickup truck, but you can also fit them into a van or mini-van if needed! To move a mini-fridge in a mini-van, be sure to have a friend. They can help you lift the fridge into the back of your minivan. It is okay to leave the fridge standing up or on its side. But make sure that it is not lying on its back.

If you do lay your mini-fridge on its back or side, no worries! Simply make sure to wait 24 hours before plugging it in and using it. Once you have given the compressor and cooling system time to reset, plug in the mini-fridge and enjoy!

Finding Refrigerator Movers Near You…

If none of the options above feel right for you, have no fear! The average cost to move a refrigerator is between $150 and $250, and there is almost always help offered in the area.

UniMovers is an affordable and fantastic way to move your refrigerator and more. We are a locally-sourced team that is set on uplifting our communities. For more information about us and our services, visit our website for more information about our rates.

Looking to move soon?

Check out UniMovers and save 30-50% on your move as compared with traditional moving!


Whether you are living alone, using a pickup truck, or getting help from movers, moving a refrigerator is incredibly doable, and you have plenty of options to accomplish your goal.


Can you lay a mini fridge on its side?

You can lay a mini fridge on its side during transport, but it’s best to keep it upright if possible. If you do need to transport a mini fridge on its side, be sure to let it stand upright for twice as long as it was lying down before turning it on.

How long can a mini fridge lay on its side?

Minimize the time a mini fridge spends on its side, as prolonged positioning increases the risk of damage. While there’s no strict rule, it’s best not to put a mini fridge on its side for more than a few hours.

Can you lay a mini fridge on its back?

No, do not lay a mini fridge on its back during transport. Doing so can cause irreparable damage to its internal mechanisms and fluids.

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Caroline is an undergraduate at the University of Iowa studying Business Management and English Publishing. When she's not studying, she spends time reading, hanging out with friends, working out, traveling, and calling her family. After college, Caroline will enter the publishing industry, where she will help authors and their stories find their perfect audience.