How To: Moving With An Elderly Person

How To: Moving With An Elderly Person

Elderly women covering their furniture with cloth

Moving with an elderly loved one can be stressful. Your loved one may find moving difficult, from physical limitations to the sentimental attachment to their previous home. Here are some tips to help with moving for seniors.

Preparing To Move


Elderly moving may include downsizing their previous home. This presents a challenge since sentimentality can influence their decision-making.

Take time with your elderly loved one to sift through items that need to be downsized and ask, “What can we keep? What can we donate or gift to someone else?”

Reassuring your loved one that their item will go to a good home can help them feel more secure in their decisions.

Delegating Tasks

Disabilities and physical limitations can leave your loved one unable to help with the moving process. To help your senior loved one feel included while moving, find small tasks to make them feel more accomplished.

Have them list everything they need to take or check the drawers to ensure everything is cleared out. Each task will differ based on your loved one’s physical condition, so feel free to adjust accordingly.

Transportation Arrangements

Plan transportation arrangements ahead of time. Determine what your loved one may need to travel. An older adult may need more accommodations to travel for long periods, whether by car or plane.

If traveling by car, prepare stops so your loved one can handle a long road trip in smaller chunks. If by airplane, ensure your flight attendants know about the accommodations your loved one needs.

Ensure that you take all medical equipment or mobility aids and secure it throughout your travel. Travel arrangements can also be coordinated by using caregiver resources.

Moving Day

Moving In First

Move the elderly in first. Allow your loved one to select their own space in the house.

This can help them feel safe in the new environment. Help them feel accomplished by tasking them with decorating or organizing their area, which can help with sentimentality and feeling more at home.

This can also help ensure that all medical equipment or mobility aids are secure and in the right place.

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Allow Them to Settle Themselves In

Allow your loved one to settle in. As you move in, allow your loved one to settle in. This can help your loved one establish a connection to their space and ease them into moving in.

Spend Quality Time

Spend some quality time. Through the chaos of this process, do not forget about the cherished time with your loved one. Check in with them.

Support is what they need the most during a transitional period, and you can provide it effectively. Making them feel heard and seen also helps them feel more comfortable.

Settling In


Improve the environment. A new residence can be an opportunity for an upgrade. Has your loved one wanted something new in their space, like a TV or clothes? Now is an excellent time to give them something new to love about their new home.

Moving Forward

Make new memories. Settling in can be just as stressful as moving for the elderly. Take this opportunity to make new memories with your loved one. Have some fun decorating the place, or explore your new neighborhood and find a local haunt.